Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Discuss The Communication Process And Its Elements English Language Essay
Discuss The Communication Process And Its Elements English Language Essay This essay will discuss the communication process and the elements it consists of. I will then critically applying these theories to my own case study, that will be discussed in more detail at a later stage, and relate it back to the various elements of the communication process. The Communication Process The word communication originated from the Latin verb communicare. The meaning of this words translation (which is to share or to make common) provides the first half of the meaning of the English word communication. The second half is related to information and meaning. (Coates, G.T. 2009. Notes on Communication: A few thoughts about the way we interact with the people we meet. Definitions of Communication. Free e-book from www.wanterfall.com. 13) So, ultimately, communication simply means to share or make ones meanings or information in ones possession common? Unfortunately it isnt that easy. Almost every author of a publication regarding the science of communication assigns a different definition to the concept of communication. In the following definitions its quite clear that information is more often incorporated into these definitions than meaning. Its also clear that an interaction that seems to be simple is actually quite complex when investigated. A few definitions include: Communication is the sharing, giving and receiving of information Communication is the transfer of information from one or more people to one or more people (Coates, G.T. 2009. Notes on Communication: A few thoughts about the way we interact with the people we meet. Definitions of Communication. Free e-book from www.wanterfall.com. 13) Communication is the symbolic process of sharing meanings (Galvin, K.M. Wilkinson, C.A. 2006. The Communication Process: Impersonal and Interpersonal. The Communication Process. Roxbury Publishing. 5) Communicationà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦(is) the transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver in an understandable manner (Sanchez, N. Communication Process. And according to Dr Appalayya Meesala for the transfer of the information, a certain vehicle (medium) is assigned, which loads itself with the message and passes it on to the intended receiver(s). The way the mediums transport the information in such a way that the receiver understands it as its intended to, is the communication process (Meesala, Dr A. Understanding the Communication Process The Key to Organisational Success. Meaning Meanings greatest limitation is that even though it is present in ones mind at all times, it is never fully. The meaning received by the by the individual on the receiving end of the communication is hardly ever the same as the meaning intended by the sender. This is because of their uniqueness regarding their individuality, sensory organs and cognitive functions. Various factors can influence the accurate transfer of the intended meaning from the sender to the receiver. These include: Word or phrase usage, the register of language, the structure of sentences, the individual characteristics of each communicator, the non-verbal messages sent, the pre-existing knowledge each communicator possesses of the other, the relationship between the communicators, method used to deliver the message, the audience and the surrounding events or interference. These influential factors are also referred to as the context in which the message is transferred. It is thus easy to conclude that the accurate transferral of ones meaning to a receiver(s) is a science as well as an art. (Coates, G.T. 2009. Notes on Communication: A few thoughts about the way we interact with the people we meet. Definitions of Communication. Free e-book from www.wanterfall.com. 14-16) Even more, although the use of verbal and non-verbal codes allow us to transmit thoughts and emotions, the mediums used in a communicative interaction should be mutually understood by both communicating parties for meanings to be more accurately shared. Common meanings make it possible to communicate. And communication mishaps occur due to missed meanings (Galvin, K.M. Wilkinson, C.A. 2006. The Communication Process: Impersonal and Interpersonal. The Communication Process. Roxbury Publishing. 7). Sending and receiving Messages One would usually use the word channels to describe how messages are sent and received but so many experts assigned completely different meanings to this concept. Thus I will use Dr Gordon Coatess choice of words i.e. Instead, I will simply say that messages passed between two people need a way to get out of one person and a way to get in to another person. Therefore, I will talk about output and input (Coates, G.T. 2009. Notes on Communication: A few thoughts about the way we interact with the people we meet. Definitions of Communication. Free e-book from www.wanterfall.com. 18). By output I will refer to information going out from sender to receiver and, thus, input will refer to that information being received by the receiving party. The input system is sometimes wrongly confused to be a passive process and the output process is an active process. Regarding the human brain, taking in information is indeed an active process as well. Inputs are achieved by means of sensations and outputs by means of actions. With that said, when referring to sensations I mean signals received by ones sensory organs, then transferred to ones brains via nerve fibres and then processed. Organs that are particularly involved in this process are the eyes, ears and tactile sensory systems (their importance follow in that very order too.) (Coates, G.T. 2009. Notes on Communication: A few thoughts about the way we interact with the people we meet. Definitions of Communication. Free e-book from www.wanterfall.com. 18-19) Various people seem to use one of these three organs more effectively than the others. Although a preference towards using one doesnt exclude using the other, it does reduce the effectiveness to which the others are used. And when two interacting communicators dont share a mutual preference towards a certain input, communication mishaps may occur when it comes to understanding meaning. Outputs are achieved by means of specific actions like talking, writing or physical gestures. They are also named after the input used to receive them i.e. visual, auditory and tactile. For example, when a gesture is made, a visual output is employed. Other than inputs, the actions used to achieve outputs are performed by body parts and NOT by the sensory organs. Thus inputs and outputs use different parts of the body. (Coates, G.T. 2009. Notes on Communication: A few thoughts about the way we interact with the people we meet. Definitions of Communication. Free e-book from www.wanterfall.com. 22) Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Verbal communication refers to written as well as spoken words used to communicate as it means using a language to share information. (Coates, G.T. 2009. Notes on Communication: A few thoughts about the way we interact with the people we meet. Definitions of Communication. Free e-book from www.wanterfall.com. 39) Non-Verbal communication gets most of the attention in most publications regarding communication science. Non-verbal communication refers to any communication that is achieved without solely relying on the use of words or symbols to transfer information. This type of communication may even provide more information than the spoken words used during interactions and provide all this additional information simultaneous to the spoken words. (Coates, G.T. 2009. Notes on Communication: A few thoughts about the way we interact with the people we meet. Definitions of Communication. Free e-book from www.wanterfall.com. 48) Aspects of non-verbal communication include: First Impressions, Distance, Orientation, Posture, Movements, Gestures, Facial expressions, Eye contact, Sound effects, Direct contact, Consent issues and Personal qualities. Components of the communication Process Case study To effectively explain the components, or elements, of the communication process I will apply them to a case study, thus a realistic experience. The interaction I have chosen is a conversation with a friend via the widely popular social network called MXit. I have chosen this case study because I think it represents each component in the communication process quite clearly and accurately. The elements I will discuss on the basis of this case study are: Communicators (sender and receiver), Message, Noise, Feedback and the Setting/Context. These elements are not mutually exclusive but they are indeed considerably interlaced/interdependent. During the communication process the sender and receiver (the communicators) switch in the roles they play, but everything else stays the same. Thus the direction of information changes but the process itself stays unchanged. The sender is also known as the source or the initiator of the communication process. (Nordquist, R. Communication Process. http://grammar.about.com/od/c/g/Communication-Process.htm?p=1. 2011. 1) He is faced with the first step which involves the encoding or translating of a cognitive idea or information onto understandable words and using the appropriate medium to transfer this message in such a way that the receiver will understand it. It is of immense importance that the sender uses mediums that are mutually familiar between him and the receiver. A good thing to keep in mind is the saying say what you mean and mean what you say. In my case study I was the sender who initiated the conversation by greeting my friend and thus sending the first message using a mutually understood language. The receiver is the other person involved in this interaction who decodes the message sent by the sender, thus my friend on the other end of the waves transferring our messages from and to each other. The receiver must be sufficiently accessible to receive the message (Coates, G.T. 2009. Notes on Communication: A few thoughts about the way we interact with the people we meet. Definitions of Communication. Free e-book from www.wanterfall.com. 152). In the case of my MXit conversation, for a fluent conversation to take place my friend must be in an area with sufficient signal. This communicator must also possess and employ both sensory capacity (good eye-sight to be able to read my messages coming through and that are displayed on his cell phones screen) and cognitive capacity (be bright and mentally clear in order to understand my sent messages and intended meanings). All the receivers interpretations of the senders message are influenced by his experiences, attitudes, knowledge, ski lls, perceptions and culture. The same aspects influence the senders encoding process (Sanchez, N. Communication Process. http://web.njit.edu/~lipuma/352comproc/comproc.htm. 2000. 2) The message is the encoded thoughts of the sender taking the form of the chosen code. It is the essential content of information to be passed in communication (Meesala, Dr A. Understanding the Communication Process The Key to Organisational Success. http://ezinearticles.com/?Understanding-the-Communication-ProcessThe-Key-to-Organisational-Successid=876670. 2007. 2). It can be written, verbal or non-verbal, pictures, diagrams or numbers and should be in the language mutually understood my both sender and receiver. Messages usually have hidden or clear meanings that the receiver has to unravel in order to understand the message the sender is trying to convey. Seeing as textual social networks mainly rely on eye-sight as means of input and output only, non-verbal messages accompanying the verbal messages cant be observed and so misunderstandings in the effect of the messages can occur. Thus my friend and I have to carefully choose the wording of our messages to avoid uncomfortable mishaps. Noise refers to any distraction or interference in the environment in which the communication is taking place and can be physical or psychological (Johns, T. 1995. Business Basics: Organisational behaviours. The Communication Process. BPP Publishing Limited. 9) Noise can also refer to a problem in the chosen medium or encoding or decoding of the message in some stage of the process that can lead to misunderstandings (Meesala, Dr A. Understanding the Communication Process The Key to Organisational Success. http://ezinearticles.com/?Understanding-the-Communication-ProcessThe-Key-to-Organisational-Successid=876670. 2007. 2) In my case study the MXit service was unstable and either me or my friends phone will occasionally disconnect from the service temporarily and so messages will get lost and wont be received by the intended receiver. This caused frustration as the receiver will keep waiting ignorant to the fact that the message got lost in a bad connection and will start thinking the sender is ignoring him. This just creates an uncomfortable atmosphere that can influence the fluid continuation of the conversation. Feedback is the final step in the communication process. This is when the role of the sender and receiver swaps and its the receivers turn to send a message which will be a response to the senders message he decoded. This is of immense importance as this is an evaluation of the senders communication abilities. The efficiency of the senders ability to communicate will be determined by the receivers reaction which will determine whether the senders meaning was effectively transferred or not. In my case study feedback will be any response to any message sent between my friend and I. These responses determined whether we have the same meaning assigned to some of the slang and abbreviations we used and enable us to apply changes in our encoding where needed. Context in the communication process refers to the idea that there is a suitable time and place for every message that needs to be conveyed. There is physical context (the environments one chooses to communicate in), social context (the occasion during which one chooses to communicate in) and cultural context that involves an even bigger set of rules in certain societies which will restrict the way you communicate (Dimbleby, R. Burton, G. 1998. More Than Words: An Introduction to Communication, 3rd ed. Routledge) In my MXit conversation the context refers to the context of each individual communicator. For instance, it would be rude to chat on MXt while one is sitting at the dinner table or having a personal conversation with another person. To converse in a MXit conversation one has to be at ease and alone in the comfort of ones privacy and not be interacting with other people. Conclusion Thus I just proved Dr Gordon Coatess statement correct. Through investigating and discussing the components and elements of the communication process in more depth and then applying the theory to reality, it is clear that although it seemsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ that the process by which communication occurs is very simple in concept, (it) can become extremely complex if it is inspected closely. Biograghy Johns, Dr Ted. 1995. Business Basics: Organisational behaviours. BPP Publishing Limited Meesala, Dr Appalayya. Understanding the Communication Process The Key to Organisational Success. http://ezinearticles.com/?Understanding-the-Communication-ProcessThe-Key-to-Organisational-Successid=876670. 2007 Sanchez, Nick. Communication Process. http://web.njit.edu/~lipuma/352comproc/comproc.htm. 2000 Galvin, Kathleen M. Wilkinson, Charles A. 2006. The Communication Process: Impersonal and Interpersonal. Roxbury Publishing Coates, Gordon T. 2009. Notes on Communication: A few thoughts about the way we interact with the people we meet. Free e-book from www.wanterfall.com Dimbleby, Richard. Burton, G. 1998. More Than Words: An Introduction to Communication, 3rd ed. Routledge Nordquist, Richard. Communication Process. http://grammar.about.com/od/c/g/Communication-Process.htm?p=1. 2011 Steinberg, Sheila. 2007. An Introduction to Communication studies. 1st ed. Juta Co.
Monday, January 20, 2020
How does Shakespeare Exploit the Supernatural for dramatic Effect in Ma
The play begins in a 'desolate place' as the stage directions tell us. Shakespeare uses the pathetic fallacy of 'Thunder and Lightening.' This creates an atmosphere of dark and evil and anticipates something frightening. There are three witches, casting a spell, as Shakespeare shows through the use of rhyming couplets at the end of lines. In addition to this, he uses the syntatic parralelism to suggest that everything is not what it will seem. 'Fair is foul and foul is fair.' This warns the audience so that they can make predictions of what will happen in 'Macbeth.' A Jacobean audience and Shakespeare?s contemporaries believed in the supernatural very strongly, including the king of that time, King James I of England. They would be intrigued by the witches? predictions in ?Macbeth,? as well as the witches? costumes on stage being scary to them. Nowadays, witches aren?t thought of as an avatar of the devil, so it would take a different kind of witch to interest a modern audience, one that challenges stereotypes. In the next scene Macbeth is shown to be fighting agaisnt the Norweigen army single handedly, showing imense bravery. Therefore, the juxtaposition between Scene I and Scene II, in Act I, is evil and good, the complete opposites. The opening scene of the play is a future prediction about the battle between good and evil and ?Fair is foul and foul is fair.? In Act I Scene III Macbeth meets the witches upon a heath. The witches predict that Macbeth is going to become Thane of Cawdor and they ?hail Macbeth, that shalt be King Hereafter!? Later on in the scene Ross and Angus enter to tell Macbeth he is to become Thane of Cawdor. This instance of dramatic irony encourages Macbeth to... ...is leads up to Lady Macbeth falling to her death. The hallucinations of blood on her hands driving her to the point of insanity so much so that she had to commit suicide. The supernatural element of the play still has an effect on a modern audience. For example, ?Fair is foul and foul is fair.? It gets the audience guessing. When the audience meets a character that appears to be ?good? on the outside, it keeps them wondering what they are really like. After all, ?Macbeth? is a play designed to be performed for and to involve the audience. Although the supernatural nowadays take on a more friendly prevalence-than in the 1600?s- such as in TV programmes like Buffy or Sabrina, and aren?t considered as gruesome, evil characters, the supernatural in ?Macbeth? still have great dramatic impact on a 21st century audience. How does Shakespeare Exploit the Supernatural for dramatic Effect in Ma The play begins in a 'desolate place' as the stage directions tell us. Shakespeare uses the pathetic fallacy of 'Thunder and Lightening.' This creates an atmosphere of dark and evil and anticipates something frightening. There are three witches, casting a spell, as Shakespeare shows through the use of rhyming couplets at the end of lines. In addition to this, he uses the syntatic parralelism to suggest that everything is not what it will seem. 'Fair is foul and foul is fair.' This warns the audience so that they can make predictions of what will happen in 'Macbeth.' A Jacobean audience and Shakespeare?s contemporaries believed in the supernatural very strongly, including the king of that time, King James I of England. They would be intrigued by the witches? predictions in ?Macbeth,? as well as the witches? costumes on stage being scary to them. Nowadays, witches aren?t thought of as an avatar of the devil, so it would take a different kind of witch to interest a modern audience, one that challenges stereotypes. In the next scene Macbeth is shown to be fighting agaisnt the Norweigen army single handedly, showing imense bravery. Therefore, the juxtaposition between Scene I and Scene II, in Act I, is evil and good, the complete opposites. The opening scene of the play is a future prediction about the battle between good and evil and ?Fair is foul and foul is fair.? In Act I Scene III Macbeth meets the witches upon a heath. The witches predict that Macbeth is going to become Thane of Cawdor and they ?hail Macbeth, that shalt be King Hereafter!? Later on in the scene Ross and Angus enter to tell Macbeth he is to become Thane of Cawdor. This instance of dramatic irony encourages Macbeth to... ...is leads up to Lady Macbeth falling to her death. The hallucinations of blood on her hands driving her to the point of insanity so much so that she had to commit suicide. The supernatural element of the play still has an effect on a modern audience. For example, ?Fair is foul and foul is fair.? It gets the audience guessing. When the audience meets a character that appears to be ?good? on the outside, it keeps them wondering what they are really like. After all, ?Macbeth? is a play designed to be performed for and to involve the audience. Although the supernatural nowadays take on a more friendly prevalence-than in the 1600?s- such as in TV programmes like Buffy or Sabrina, and aren?t considered as gruesome, evil characters, the supernatural in ?Macbeth? still have great dramatic impact on a 21st century audience.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Satire in Jane Austen’s Pride in Prejudice
Jane Austenââ¬â¢s Satirical Writing: Analyzing the Satire of Social Class Within Pride and Prejudice Jane Austenââ¬â¢s Pride and Prejudice delves into the issue of why social standing in a society based solely on class should not be the most important thing when evaluating the worth of a person. Through several different literary techniques ââ¬â such as letters and abundant focalizers ââ¬â Austen conveys important information about key issues she has with the significance placed on social standing. The theme of class and social standing is echoed constantly throughout Austenââ¬â¢s novel in numerous ways, highlighting several aspects of the gentry that she distrusts. The entirety of the novel focuses mainly on the distances placed between characters due to their social standing in a class based society. Regardless of how fit a person may be in either mind or capabilities, if a high sum of money is not contained within their personhood (or their estate), they are considered menial. Jane Austen uses the social relationships between her characters to satirize the importance placed on the hierarchy of class in society. Austen wrote the novel in order to define and satirize the problems that she saw in the hierarchy of class in the society of her time. Throughout the entire novel ââ¬Å"there isnââ¬â¢t a characterâ⬠¦whoââ¬â¢s introduced without his income being mentioned in the next sentenceâ⬠(Selznick 92). The ridiculousness of the value placed upon money ââ¬â of which the middle class has very little ââ¬â is evident as Austen progresses the story and the relationships between her characters ââ¬â namely between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. The fact that, in Austenââ¬â¢s time, the society revolved around the gentry ââ¬â whose entire idea of class and power involved money ââ¬â makes it easier for the audience reading Pride and Prejudice to understand why she has satirized this issue. She does this quite flawlessly throughout the novel, relying on her knowledge of the increasing adamancy of the middle class to gain social status and power through more than just land, money and relations. The significance of social standing and the desire of the characters aspire to it can be seen in different instances throughout the novel. However, there are a few characters for which the idea of wealth and power mean very little, who strive to better themselves through their own wit and charm, rather than through the advantages of money. Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of the novel, is one such character. It is difficult for her to adjust to the sense of reality in which the novel exists due to the fact that the society has been permanently established and there is very little she can do to earn the credit she deserves. Yet it is due to Elizabethââ¬â¢s unique personality that the audience is able to understand why her interest for the things at Pemberley and the positive change in heart she has for Mr. Darcyââ¬â¢s character show the dual nature of how Austen thought of the personal attainment of identity and morality balanced with her begrudged acknowledgement of a limited and restrained society (Hamilton). There are several other characters that believe the importance placed on monetary gain to be superfluous and still others that also come to realize this. It is through both the understanding and ignorance of these characters that it becomes evident just how deeply Austen distrusted the idea of an individual requiring social power in order to be recognized as an accomplished individual. Austen paid especially close attention to economic and social standing when it came to her characters for the express purpose of satirizing why their superior class was not necessarily more agreeable or accomplished than those in the lower classes. She wrote her novels with the idea that ââ¬Å"the quality of humanity is to be judged by moral and human standardsâ⬠¦not by social status; but like her own temporary snobsâ⬠¦she pays full attention to their social status firstâ⬠(Copeland 121). As seen with Austenââ¬â¢s character Mr. Darcy, she concentrates fully on his attachments to his reputation before she delves into who he becomes and how much better off he is when he realizes the error in his way of thinking. In assessing the weight that social standing has on the progression of the story in Pride and Prejudice, one can attain a great bit of insight into why specific characters act the way they do throughout the novel. The infamous Bingley sisters, for instance, are so attached to the idea of material wealth that they fail to realize when their comments are unacceptable. Ms. Bingley herself, who is so attached to the idea that she is superior to Elizabeth in every way, cannot understand why Mr. Darcy could possibly find Elizabeth attractive in any sort of manner. It is her status-hungry and conceited personality that allows the audience to see the sheer difference between her and her brother, Mr. Charles Bingley. Unlike his sisters, he is not trying to climb up the social hierarchy to gain status and power; instead, he shows a gentler, more levelheaded side to the gentry as he falls in love with Elizabethââ¬â¢s older sister, Jane. It is characters with personalities and ideals like Mr. Bingleyââ¬â¢s that Austen revered and trusted above all others. Curiously enough, however, the hardheaded Mr. Darcy, who is very aware of his social standing, is the one character in the novel who goes through the most drastic personality change. Though Elizabeth Bennet had the positive, clever and levelheaded personality that Austen herself may have had when dealing with the social mobility of her time, it is instead the incredible change of heart that Mr. Darcy undergoes that shows how someone who is socially superior can realize the importance of wit, charm and beauty of those around him instead of being concerned only with their social status. This is how Austen is able to satirize these problems so efficiently that a modern audience does not realize that she is poking fun at the societal importance of class in her time and instead sees nothing but a charming romance. Yet Austen was doing much more than writing a simple love story. The novel was written in a transitional period when peoplesââ¬â¢ way of thinking was shifting from a romantic look at life to a more enlightened view of living. The ideals of the eighteenth century ââ¬â where people saw society as organized and divinely structured ââ¬â were quickly lost to the thinkers of the more modernistic views of society in the nineteenth century, in which there was a significant loss of faith in any spiritualistic based society. Instead, nineteenth century thought turned towards the idea of the individual as the only path towards order. This new idea of placing emphasis on the self was especially important to Austen, yet she realized that the tendency of an organized and structured society was to value a person by their material wealth, rather than who the individual really was. She was able to take both ideas and mold them into her ideal situation, which can be seen in the last few lines of the novel when Elizabeth is at last accepted into Pemberley and its heritage. It is here that the individual ââ¬Å"remains exactly where Austen would have it, in the center of a stable eighteenth-century worldâ⬠(Hamilton 36). Class and social standing is a very evident and important issue for Austen and she satirizes it with the utmost diligence throughout the novel using intricate, yet simplistic designs for her charactersââ¬â¢ relationships. For instance, instead of being forced to marry Mr. Collins for the express purpose of making a new connection on their own, Elizabeth refuses to be controlled by societyââ¬â¢s standards and defies Mrs. Bennetââ¬â¢s wishes in order to ââ¬Å"demonstrate that it is still possible for individuals to make new connections in defiance of societyâ⬠(Austen 395). Tony Tanner, a British literary critic, who wrote the original introduction to Pride and Prejudice conveyed that Austen wrote about ââ¬Å"a society which stresses social control over individual ecstasy, formality over informality, sartorial neatness over bodily abandon, and alert consciousnesses over the more Romantic states of revery and tranceâ⬠and yet it is also ââ¬Å"a society in which the individual can experience freedom as well as commitmentâ⬠(Austen 395). The unfathomable amount of thought that Jane Austen put into writing Pride and Prejudice show how deeply she cared for the freedom of the individual and the ability to stand proudly in a society that overlooked individual assets for material ones. Tanner also credited Austen with the ability to create a character around the central idea of attempting to prove their individual worth within a society bound entirely by the ordinance of class. He is able to demonstrate the importance Austen placed on her characters ââ¬â especially Elizabeth and Jane Bennet ââ¬â finding themselves in a gentry-based society by drawing on William Blakeââ¬â¢s In the Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Tanner argues ââ¬â with Blakeââ¬â¢s ideals in mind ââ¬â that Austen takes two completely different aspects of life, energy and reason, and instead of reconciling these opposite attractions, there is a mutual coming together of complementary characteristics. He puts it plainly when he states that ââ¬Å"she makes it seem as if it is possible for playfulness and regulation ââ¬â energy and boundaries ââ¬â to be united in fruitful harmony, without the one being sacrificed to the otherâ⬠(Austen 106). This ability to take two unlike ideas and mesh them together without either losing its significance is exactly how Austen takes societyââ¬â¢s emphasis on social standing and class and reverses it into something that now benefits a character where before it could only hinder (i. e. Elizabethââ¬â¢s transformation from a meager middle-class girl, to the Mistress of Pemberley). However, not all critics have been kind to the way in which Austen portrays this transformational miracle of a young girl suddenly coming into great sums of money, merely by the tact and wit she shows in the way she lives. These critics find Austenââ¬â¢s dealing with social standing and class to be abhorrent. In fact, one such critic happens to be a famous authoress who, in writing a letter to G. H. Lewes in 1848, stated that she disliked the novel due to its frivolous dealings with the common life of both the upper and the middle-class. In her writing to the British literary and theatre critic, the authoress stated that she ââ¬Å"should hardly like to live with her ladies and gentlemen, in their elegant but confined housesâ⬠(Austen 368). It was, in fact, Currer Bell ââ¬â more widely known as Charlotte Bronte ââ¬â who wrote this letter, in which the reader can clearly sense the contempt she had for Austenââ¬â¢s writing and the way she portrayed her characters. Though perhaps more of an criticism towards the way Austen wrote in general, Bronte was still very serious with her concern about the way in which Austen depicted her characters and their lives. She had, in Bronteââ¬â¢s view, ââ¬Å"no sense of the outward world ââ¬â either scenery or personal appearanceâ⬠(Mazzeno 558). It is obvious that Austenââ¬â¢s portrayal of social standing, class, romance, money, marriage and many other themes throughout Pride and Prejudice were not held in high regard with Bronte. Though the majority of critical analyses both praising and condemning the way in which Austen depicts social standing in her novel have been done by literary thinkers, there have been other mediums through which the novel has been adapted, such that even criticism of someone as famous as Charlotte Bronte is outshined. For example, in their book Authority, State and National Character, professors Kuzmics of the University of Graz and Axtmann of the University of Wales, when addressing the problems that both Britain and Austria have seen in relation to social class when examining the issues that arose in several literary novels and dramas of the time, state that when they first studied Pride and Prejudice, they thought it had very little to do with such issues. They believed that ââ¬Å"the fate of the Bennet sisters in rural gentry-based England just after the turn of the century revolved around such harmless matters as a ball at Netherfieldâ⬠(Kuzmics 223). It is apparent that both professors believe ââ¬â at least upon their first reading of it ââ¬â that Austenââ¬â¢s novel had very little to do with the very real problems that are satirized throughout the story. Their criticism of the novel, however, in relation to how both Austrian and English society has evolved during the civilizing process is perhaps accurate without an in depth reading of Pride and Prejudice, as it seems to merely have a ââ¬Å"relaxed air of cheerfulness and ironic, detached art of people watchingâ⬠(Kuzmics 223). Conversely, after one looks past all the pleasantries that the story has to offer, one realizes that, as the professors correctly stated, it only appears to have nothing to do with issues of class. This is why the novel must be read carefully, to push past the obvious romance of the story and dig into the satirical tone in which Austen addresses such important matters. As the professors continue their research into the heart of the novel, they revealed very important aspects of Austenââ¬â¢s writing about social class and how it is a perfect example of English society, even to this day. She defined so clearly how England was a ââ¬Å"face-to-faceâ⬠or ââ¬Å"shame societyâ⬠in which ââ¬Å"the opposite of social respectability is social disgraceâ⬠which was ââ¬Å"to be avoided at all costsâ⬠(Kuzmics 227). This meant that for those families that were unable to depend on an inheritance or their relations in order to live comfortably in society, they could only rely upon prospective marriage partners for a comfortable life. It is because of this importance placed upon societyââ¬â¢s standards of what makes a family valuable that ââ¬Å"the social value and respectability of the potential future spouse is ascertained and made visibleâ⬠(Southam 113). This, in turn, makes it difficult for someone such as Elizabeth ââ¬â who is very accomplished in her wit and charm ââ¬â unable to stoop so low as to accept a marriage proposal from someone she has no tender feelings toward. The idea of marrying only for money, power or social stability is part of the reason why Elizabeth Bennet is thought of as impertinent by other characters in the novel such as Mr. Collins, Lady Catherine, and at times even her own mother. Yet it is because of Elizabethââ¬â¢s character and the audacity she is capable of showing to such renowned individuals that proves Austen meant her novel to be much more than a romantic story between two characters. She wanted a stab at the problems of the gentry, to affirm her belief that basing the worth of an individual merely by their material wealth was hardly the best way of assessing someoneââ¬â¢s value (Wilhelm). She was able to do a fantastic job of satirizing the gentry throughout her novel by using several different aspects of what made a renowned person so important: money, connections and property. In the general notes of the Penguin Classic version of Pride and Prejudice, David Spring, author of Interpreters of Jane Austenââ¬â¢s Social World, used historian Alan Everittââ¬â¢s coined term ââ¬Ëpseudo-gentryââ¬â¢ to describe a group of individuals that were comprised mostly of those involved with the trade, who aspired to attain the lifestyle of the landed gentry. It is because of this idea that in order to be worth something, a person must own land, that several of the characters from Austenââ¬â¢s novel seek ââ¬Ëland-based wealth,ââ¬â¢ which is an obvious sign of ââ¬Å"a class intensely interested in income as means to, and a sign of, statusâ⬠(Austen 413). This shows that Austenââ¬â¢s novel is written from a point of view that sees upward mobility as a bleak, corrupt hierarchy and is much more interested in the professional middle class ââ¬â the class which, in Pride and Prejudice is represented quite adeptly by the Gardiners. This idea of attempting to identify oneself in a strict society based on social class has taken on numerous different forms: books, critical essays, movies and television series. Innumerable amounts of professional critics have delved deeply into Austenââ¬â¢s novelââ¬â¢s representation of class, manners and even the social status of women in British society. In the incredibly faithful six hour long A&E/BBC adaptation of the book, Sue Britwistle ââ¬â the programââ¬â¢s producer ââ¬â wanted to include ââ¬Å"many clear illustrations of the way that class and gender are governed by proper British mannersâ⬠¦and highlight the importance of economic status in Regency Englandâ⬠(Selznick 92). The fact that women could only gain social standing through marriage is very apparent through all of Austenââ¬â¢s writing, not just Pride and Prejudice. It is incredible to think that a woman was worth nothing unless she had a substantial inheritance, as seen with Georgiana and Mr. Wickham. He cared nothing for her abilities, her looks, her personality ââ¬â the only thing he desired was the hefty sum of money she would receive through inheritance. The type of relationship is seen numerous times throughout the novel and only contravened when Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy marry the two Bennet sisters. It is, as professors Kuzmics and Axtmann so rightly called it, a marriage market. The worth of an individual could only be seen through the instance of marriage, when a personââ¬â¢s monetary value was ascertained and brought into light. There are several different instances throughout the novel in which social standing and class are satirized, though none so much as the motif of carriages. Austen placed importance upon how many and of what kind carriage a person owned; it signaled wealth, status and power ââ¬â which, to Austen, was not a feasible way to judge the worth of a person. The aspect of carriages even flows into the marriage market, where the prospective bride (because the groom always seemed to be worthy regardless) is critiqued and either approved or denied. Part of this process is inquiry into how many and what kind of carriages the bride owns ââ¬â if any. Their chances of finding a suitable match dwindles if they do not own an acceptable carriage (Walder). This is seen when Lady Catherine tracks down Elizabeth at Longbourn, wondering how her nephew could have possibly proposed to one such as her ââ¬â someone who walks places without the aide of a carriage to take her anywhere. One of the most noteworthy characters that Austen uses to satirize social standing in her novel is Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Austen utilizes Lady Catherine for the primary function of criticizing the aristocratic society in which she places her character, as Lady Catherine is one of the most prideful and overbearing personalities in the novel. Jane Austen mercilessly ridicules the hierarchal society she was raised in by using Catherine as a means to convey how prominent figures (who were only important because of their wealth) thought themselves to be experts on almost every topic, even if they had no prior knowledge of the subject of which they were speaking on. For example, when Elizabeth visits Lady Catherine at Rosings, she is not only terribly inquisitive about how the girl had been raised, but when she asks Elizabeth if she plays the piano, Catherine admits that she herself could not. Though, as she states soon afterward, if she had practiced, there was no doubt that she would have been incredible. Ironically enough, it is due to Lady Catherineââ¬â¢s sudden visitation with Elizabeth near the end of the novel that Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth are married. By telling her nephew of the interview that she had with Elizabeth, Catherine allows the seed of hope to appear in Mr. Darcy. Lady Catherineââ¬â¢s attempt at interference between her nephew and Elizabeth is ultimately the reason that the two marry ââ¬â not to mention that it is a means by which Austen can convey the strong personality she bequeathed upon Elizabeth to show that oneââ¬â¢s social station should not limit her, but help her to hold her own in what most people saw as polite-society. Through many instances of dark humor, tragedy and even comedic aspects, Jane Austenââ¬â¢s Pride and Prejudice takes a critical look at the issue of social standing in society and severely reprimands its ideals. Austen distrusted several aspects of the society in which she lived and tried to right its wrongs by satirizing the importance that the gentry placed on social standing and class. Though this may not have worked quite as well as she would have hoped ââ¬â as most people view Pride and Prejudice as a mere romance story ââ¬â with her cut and dry, black and white views of what a person should be judged by, Austen clearly wanted her society to realize that a person could only be considered accomplished if they truly had the talents to be ââ¬â not whether or not they could afford to buy their name. Works Cited Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. London: Penguin, 2003. Print. Copeland, Edward, and Juliet McMaster. The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997. Print. Hamilton, Sylvia N. Constructing Mr. Darcy: Tradition, Gender, and Silent Spaces in Jane Austen. Thesis. University of Central Oklahoma, 2007. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest, 2008. Print. Kuzmics, Helmut, and Roland Axtmann. Authority, State and National Character: the Civilizing Process in Austria and England, 1700-1900. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2007. Print. Mazzeno, Laurence W. Jane Austen: Two Centuries of Criticism. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2011. Print. Selznick, Barbara J. Global Television Co-producing Culture. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 2008. Print. Southam, B. C. Jane Austen: the Critical Heritage. London: Routledge, 1999. Print. Walder, Dennis. The Realist Novel. New York: Routledge, 2006. Print. Wilhelm, Julia. Appropriations of Jane Austen's ââ¬Å"Pride and Prejudiceâ⬠in Contemporary British Fiction. Thesis. Johannes Gutenberg University, 2007. Mainz, Germany: Grin Verlag, 2008. Print.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Impact of the Current Global Financial Crisis on Human...
Introduction Current economic downturn has enormous influence on businesses. The field of Human Resource Management (HRM) is not an exception. The common practices in these periods in HR departments are not hiring new employees, layoffs, not paying for overwork hours, cost cutting including wages and bonuses, less training and early retirement programs and so on. What has been happening in my country, Japan, since this financial crisis began was much different from former recessions such as 1990s. For example, the TOYOTA started reducing workings days from five days a week to three or four days a week in most factories instead of firing people. Finally, they decided to close some of them temporarily. It was a very shocking event forâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦However, it is still the first common step to deal with financial difficulties. For example, Robertson and Dayal(2009, p.22) suggest that training jobs is a traditional area of first cost reduction. They also indicate that some HR departm ents shift to ââ¬Å"the employee self-service modelâ⬠(Robertson Dayal, 2009, p. 23), which is a system the employees themselves update their personal information or apply insurance benefits on the internet instead of the HR officers in the firm do them for the workers, to reduce both costs and HR daily tasks. Another example about cost reductions showed by the research of Pudlowski who recommends three steps called ââ¬Å"audit-like reviewâ⬠(Pudlowski, 2009, p39). The first step is reviewing all programs offered in the HR department; such as paid-leave program, compensations and parental leave. Then, employees should examine further information in rapid pace like four to six weeks. The last step is coordination of skills provided by key leaders or stakeholders outside of the HRM to give insights (Pudlowski, 2009, pp. 39-40). Downsizing ââ¬â not equal to redundancies Meanwhile, downsizing does not always mean layoffs. It is a way to decrease the budget rapidly. Fodor and Poorââ¬â¢s study carried in Hungary and Slovakia shows that most companies prefer to freeze salaries rather than redundancies (Fodor Poor, 2009, p. 81). There are other approaches to work effectivelyShow MoreRelatedImpact of the Economic Global Crisis: Current Situation and Prospects in the Philippines1677 Words à |à 7 PagesImpact of the Economic Global Crisis: Current Situation and Prospects in the Philippines Asia in general was not affected by the current global financial crisis (1). The source of the crisis did not come from the developing countries as seen in the 1990s during the Asian crisis. In 2008 - 2009, the developed world initiated the global financial crisis with the sub prime lending implosion; thus, affected the rest of the world. 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